Episode 941 – Look Back… Move Forward

At the beginning of 2023, businesses were facing the possibility of rising inflation, a recession, and workforce shortages. Then, the tech business community added some spicy Artificial Intelligence into the chaos soup. While the Bitcoin Bros were trying to pass themselves off as ChatGPT prompt writing gurus (making $100K or more), sales teams were tasked…

Episode 939 – Winning Lessons from 2023

To some of you, 2023 was a cakewalk compared to 2021 and 2022. To others, this was the most challenging year ever. Either way, I agree with you! Whether it was good or bad, you probably grew personally, fiscally, and/or physically. Every day, running a business is a challenge. Yet, throughout the year, situations, circumstances,…

Episode 932 – Best Of – Drive Growth Through The Customer Experience with Chip Royce

  Chip’s first experience with the tech sector started in 1994 after downloading the first Netscape browser (now Firefox) and led him to join his first startup a year later. He’s worked for and advised high-growth ventures and Fortune 500 companies in online media, internet infrastructure, PCs (Dell & Lenovo), and most recently, Fintech &…

Episode 912 – Best Of – How To Deal With Psycho-Drama In Business with John Faisandier

John Faisandier – speaker, author, trainer, counsellor, educator, entrepreneur Volunteer teaching in Tonga, Catholic priesthood, psychodrama training lay the foundation for compassionate Emotional Intelligence Expert John Faisandier. His work in a drug and alcohol treatment hospital and over 20 years as an entrepreneur and corporate trainer give him a unique perspective on managing emotions in…

Episode 910 – Best Of – Who Is Gen Z and How Do They Spend $600 Billion a Year with Kathleen Hessert and Krista Jasso

When the marketplace was still fixated on the peculiarities of Millennials, Kathleen migrated to what’s NEXT- Generation Z. Used to working with young athletes, she turned to teens to build WeRGenZ from the grassroots up. Today she helps brands understand the future through today’s youth and amplifying voices of the generation. She’s a much sought-after public speaker, and consultant wowing audiences with insights derived from her original research and thousands of members of the WeRGenZ Teen Think Tank.

Episode 879 – Is Your Content a Tapas or Family Style Meal?

Just like Family Style is big, and Tapas is small, content can be served up the same way. There are two common trains of thought when it comes to creating and serving up content. Content served up Family Style ranges from 2000 to 3500 words. There is usually a lot of detail, facts, examples, and…

Episode 867 – Passengers… Prepare For Landing – Guiding Website Visitors to Their Destination

I am always amazed that 80 tons of people, luggage, metal, and fuel, lifts you up in the air and flies you 1000 miles in about 2 hours, and it’s almost 1000 times safer than driving in a car. On top of that, most people don’t give a second thought about how complex our air…

Episode 865 – What’s for Dessert? How to Simplify Your Website to Increase Sales

The first thing that happens when you get to a restaurant is you are guided to your table and handed a menu. Menus are generally organized into appetizers, meals, and desserts. Could you imagine if the menu included articles about how each meal is prepared, where the ingredients were sourced from, and what cooking ware…

Episode 863 – How Can a Golf Swing Help You Build a Marketing SYS-TEM?

Construction background How often do you find yourself getting ads for something that you just searched for? It can be both creepy and annoying. I went to a local golf shop to have some clubs regripped. While I was waiting I was shown an area where they will evaluate your swing and give you a…

Episode 857 – What’s Your Marketing Mousetrap? – Part 3

In this final part of the series, I wanted to show how and why following traditional marketing thinking can hamper your success in B2b marketing. B2b marketing differs from consumer marketing because it’s more relational than transactional, and it often takes longer to go from awareness to trust. That means that there are more steps,…