Episode 965 – BACON – Chapter 17- So Much Peopling

I was just in Chicago at the American Marketing Association’s Leadership Conference, where 400 people from around North America, representing 50+ chapters, came to learn and grow with and from each other. Conferences are great for networking, learning, and getting out of the routine work rut, but they are also very peoply. Sometimes, too peoply.…

Episode 936 – Best Of – Leveraging Relationships And Reinvention with Michael O’Neal

I’m originally from Ohio, and lived there for 12 years. Grew up Catholic (I’m a recovering Catholic now) and played every sport known to man when I was a little kid. Became a Steelers fan back then. Steel Curtain and all that. Got in a lot of trouble in school too. (No surprise to those…

Episode 926 – Best Of – Training Your Staff in the Zoombie Era with Michelle Filicicchia

Michelle’s primary focus is helping leaders and employees achieve high-performance and measurable results that encompass engagement, productivity, well-trained individuals and effective teams. Michelle brings a vigorous customer-focused approach with client engagements. She is accomplished with diverse and multi-cultural audiences and is a certified Personified Leadership facilitator. Michelle’s body of work spans the following practice areas:…

Episode 917 – What Does BACON Have To Do with POOP?

I was excited and honored to be the keynote speaker at a national conference where the words… CRAP, SH!T, and POOP are in every presenter’s speech and are spoken openly and frequently in almost every conversation had with attendees. It was the 2023 APAWS National Conference in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. APAWS is the Association of Professional Animal…

Episode 877 – Influence vs. Inspiration… It Takes Emotional Intelligence

It’s been years since I have been a conference attendee. The latest conference I attended was the 2023 Leadership Summit for chapter leaders of the AMA (American Marketing Association). What I learned at this conference is that not all chapters are the same. They are cohesive to the AMA brand, yet with diversity and individuality.…

Episode 813 – Name That Tune – Has Your Brand Voice Evolved With Your Business?

Yesterday, I when to the Digital Summit in Raleigh, where I helped out with the AMA Triangle booth (American Marketing Association – Raleigh chapter)\. It was a great day filled with meeting new people, and I found some time to catch a few partial sessions. One of the sessions talked about your brand and asked…

Episode 619 – Training Your Staff in the Zoombie Era with Michelle Filicicchia

Michelle’s primary focus is helping leaders and employees achieve high-performance and measurable results that encompass engagement, productivity, well-trained individuals and effective teams. Michelle brings a vigorous customer-focused approach with client engagements. She is accomplished with diverse and multi-cultural audiences and is a certified Personified Leadership facilitator. Michelle’s body of work spans the following practice areas:…

Episode 601 – How To Get Your Brag On While Networking with Jeannette Seibly

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach and an award-winning executive coach and keynote speaker. During the past 28 years, she’s guided the creation of 3 millionaires and countless 6-figure business professionals. As an author, she’s published six books. The most recent ones are: “The Secret to Selling Yourself Anytime, Anywhere: Start Bragging!” (CareerBragging.com) and…

Episode 554 – Three Things Every Business Should Do During A Time Of Crisis?

When I ran my business in the 1990’s I was faced with a disaster that took me by surprise and almost shut my business down. Our recording studio was flooded with raw sewage and it took months to recover from. We did what we could do to keep the doors open and get by, but…

Episode 499 – From In Person To Online – Building A Cohesive Community with David Perdew

As the CEO and chief architect of NAMS (the Novice to Advanced Marketing System), David Perdew has used all his skills as a journalist, consultant and entrepreneur to build one of the most successful and fastest growing business training workshops available today at http://NextNAMS.com and it’s supporting membership site at http://MyNAMS.com. The Novice to Advanced Marketing System is…