Episode 1000 – You’ve Got To Know When…

I have always been driven by three principles in life and business. Although I have not always been 100% successful in adhering to them, I have noticed that I am 1000 times happier and more successful when I do.   First, life is about motion, emotion, promotion, commotion, and finally, ethical motivation! “When you stop learning,…

Episode 999 – What’s the Deal with 2025?

This time of year, the two weeks around Christmas and New Year’s, always seem like a blur. It’s hard to remember what day today is, especially when both holidays fall in the middle of a week. Business generally grinds to a halt with people and companies taking vacations. TV is filled with retrospectives of the…

Episode 998 – The Mysteries of LinkedIn?

One of the world’s great mysteries is the Bermuda Triangle. When it comes to any social media platform, people, features, and more are like the Bermuda Triangle. One second, they are there, and the next, they are gone. If you feel like your content is being swallowed up by LinkedIn’s Bermuda Triangle (algorithms), I am…

Episode 997 – The Original Inbox

We have officially transitioned from the information economy to the attention economy. The Information Economy has significantly transformed B2B business, driving a shift towards data-driven decision-making and digital transactions. In this paradigm, companies leverage information and communication technologies (ICT) to streamline business. The Attention Economy has profoundly impacted B2B business, transforming companies’ engagement with clients…

Episode 996 – Reach Out… Reach Out and Touch Someone

In 1979, AT&T employed a marketing campaign aimed to soften AT&T’s image and promote long-distance calling as an essential part of everyday American life. It focused on “selling emotion” by emphasizing the human desire to connect with others. Phone numbers were designated to a person, an address, and even a desk when PBX systems were…

Episode 995 – Let’s Do The Time Warp Again

“Time Warp” is one of the most recognizable songs from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” It was created as a time filler for the stage play but has exploded in popularity and become a central part of audience participation during film screenings and live performances. When the movie came out in 1975, things were very different.…

Episode 994 – That One Thing… The Price Of Eggs

Have you seen the price of eggs? I have not, but I hear it’s high. It is a battle cry for those who go to the grocery store and see that their cart has less, yet they are paying more. My wife loves carrot cake. Recently, there was a recall of carrots. I wonder if…

Episode 993 – It’s Time To Get To Work

Back in the 1960s, the TV program was called The Twilight Zone. It was an anthology series that explored fantasy, science fiction, horror, and psychological thriller elements. In today’s complicated new marketing and media world, it can feel like we are living in a Twilight Zone. Marketing is about getting people to become aware and…

Episode 987 – The 3 Things That Make Marketing Harder

It’s incredible how fast things change. Do you remember that slogan? “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby.” That phrase was used in an advertising campaign for Virginia Slims, a brand of cigarettes marketed specifically to women. The slogan was introduced in 1968, and cigarette ads were banned in 1971. It lasted only three years but was…

Episode 986 – Superman vs The Boogeyman

I confess that I try to simplify things down to binary choices: good and evil, easy and hard, the boogeyman and Superman. But I think that in our ever-polarized world, there is becoming a blurred line between truth and opinion. When it comes to marketing, I tend to think of Google and Search as the…