Episode 845 – Are You Whiffing the WIIFM?

When I say “Whiff” what do you think of? Are you imagining a baseball, moving at 100 mph, dropping out of the strike zone as the batter takes a swing at strike three? Or are you thinking of waking up, and catching the smell of BACON wafting throughout your living space? Have you heard the…

Episode 843 – Marketing – Strategy vs. Plan

Having worked with many non-profits in the past, the biggest hurdle they have to overcome is resources. If they want in for free, someone has to dedicate or donate the time. Otherwise, they have to find someone they can afford and pay for that to be implemented. That is what I call the Strategy vs.…

Episode 813 – Name That Tune – Has Your Brand Voice Evolved With Your Business?

Yesterday, I when to the Digital Summit in Raleigh, where I helped out with the AMA Triangle booth (American Marketing Association – Raleigh chapter)\. It was a great day filled with meeting new people, and I found some time to catch a few partial sessions. One of the sessions talked about your brand and asked…