Episode 453 – How Writing A Book Can Grow Your Business with David Hancock of Morgan James Publishing

David Hancock is the founder of Morgan James Publishing and the chairman of Guerrilla Marketing International, and has co-authored sixteen books, including Performance Driven Thinking, The Best of Guerrilla Marketing and The Entrepreneurial Author. NASDAQ cites David as one of the world’s most prestigious business leaders, and he is reported to be the future of publishing. As founder of Morgan James Publishing, he was selected for Fast Company Magazine’s Fast 50 for his leadership, creative thinking, significant accomplishments, and his significant impact on the industry over the next ten years.David also serves as president of the executive board for Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg, and as chairman of the board of the National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence.


Episode 452 – Why Social Media Is A Bet You Can’t Win… What You Can Do About It?

People tend to think of social media posting as free advertising, and it some senses it is. I tend to look at it from a business sense as a gamble. It’s more like a casino filled with loud and bright shiny neon slot machines calling out to you to drop in a dollar or two and hope that luck will be a lad tonight?Social Media Is kinda like the  bright shiny Slot Machine of Marketing


Episode 451 – Turning Tragedy Into Triumph By Helping Those Suffering From Addiction with Phil Brakefield

Phil Brakefield is a best-selling author, speaker, consultant, promotional products expert, apparel guru, musician, ex professional athlete and obsessive marketing student and teacher. Helping small business owners…especially brick and mortar…get new customers and/or retain existing ones, is his passion. A diverse background…from playing professional soccer to appearing in a movie to traveling on tour with Jimi Hendrix, Three Dog Night, John Denver, The Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin and dozens of others to writing a weekly marketing column for a major newspaper gave Phil a wide and diverse base he frequently brings into play to help his customers. In addition, Phil is an avid amateur photographer, music lover and also serves on the board of the Chicagoland Dog Rescue.


Episode 450 – Faster – Better – Cheaper… Pick Two? Choosing The Right Customers For Your Business

People work hard to get new customer or to get customers to choose them. Let me let you in on a little secret.. You get to choose your customers as well!People who value their own time… will value your time. People who understand Return On Investment… Will understand your value to them. Old saying in business – Faster – Better – Cheaper… Pick Two! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…and so is Faster, and Better, and Cheaper.


Episode 449 – Convincing Your Audience That Water Is Wet? Why Writing Matters In Marketing with Tomo Albanese

Priding himself on transparency, honesty, and consistency, Tomo is a content and copy veteran, with over a decade’s worth of experience. Tomo has worked with names such as Shawn Casey, Tom Bell, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Ryan Moran, and Perry Belcher, selling over $16.5 million dollars worth of information products. He currently runs his unique content company, WordsRWeapons, which works with Fortune 500 companies and even some smaller businesses to generate quality content at affordable rates.

Focusing on creating a positive environment for talented writers, Tomo manages to maintain an elite team that can write on any topic. This allows WordsRWeapons to act as a virtual writing department that grows and shrinks according to your business’s needs.

Having earned a reputation for transparency and integrity, I have enjoyed working with professionals like Shawn Casey, Tom Bell, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Ryan Moran, and Perry Belcher, I have sold more than $16.5 Million in products and services. I have found there is no substitute for living with intention. While homeless, I learned that being happy happens only by helping others. We all have more in common than not.


Episode 448 – LinkedIn Profile & How To Brand Yourself Better With It?

What do you think LinkedIn is? If you are like most people (including Microsoft who owns it) it’s considered the best play to find and post a job on the internet. It’s so much more than that… it one of the the best personal branding tools out there (yes better than Facebook and Instagram combined)!…


Episode 447 – Using Conscious Focused Actions To Grow Your Business with JV Crum III

J V Crum III is known for his LIVE On-Camera Trainings where he creates a Breakthrough for business coaches and consultants by helping them find $50,000 or more in hidden revenues and develop steps to put it in their bank account. Named by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 13 Business Shows to listen to in 2017, JV is host of the syndicated radio show and podcast, Conscious Millionaire, and the best-selling author of “Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference.” JV holds multiple certifications in NLP and has graduate degrees in three areas: law, business and psychology (JD, MBA, MS).


Episode 446 – Are You Asking Yourself… The Reason I Am Doing This Is?

When Someone asks “Who Is your Perfect Audience” and they answer “Everyone”… They are REALLY saying “They Don’t Really Know?”. If you don’t know who you are talking to, how are you supposed to know what to say to them? Marketing is a process. Do you understand WHY you are doing it? Of course to…


Episode 445 – Communicating From A Point Of Love Vs Fear with Michele PW

Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) is the best-selling author of the “Love-Based Business” series of books that share how to sell more with love and build a solid, profitable business on a foundation of love. In addition, she owns a copywriting and marketing company that has sold nearly $50M worth of products and services for her clients over the past 8 years. In her spare time, she also writes and publishes psychological thrillers/mystery/suspense novels.


Episode 444 – 5 Myths About Online Marketing That Need To Be Busted

I had the pleasure of meeting with a new client and their social media team. They wanted to boost engagement on their social media to boost sales. They looked puzzled when I started talking websites and emails? Social media can often be the bright shiny object that distracts for the ultimate goal… MORE SALES! There…
