Episode 393 – Little Voice – Big Business and Scaling Success with Nadia Finer

Are you sick of working crazy hours for tiny profits? Are you stuck playing small?
Nadia Finer, a powerhouse business coach, wickedly funny international speaker and author of Little Me Big Business is here to help you unleash the BIGness in your business.
Don’t be fooled by Nadia’s sweet appearance and adorable voice. Nadia is feisty and fearless. Rather than hide behind her insecurities, she has turned her little voice into her secret weapon and used it to build a unique personal brand. She now helps struggling business owners all over the world embrace who they really are, work smart, and scale up.
Nadia’s approach is the perfect combination of laser-focused business strategy, kick ass action taking and laugh your pants off humour.
The world needs you. Your people need you. They’re waiting for you to get on with it! Stop holding yourself back. Stop keeping yourself small. Nadia will help you go big in your business so you can create a bigger future, help more people and have a bigger impact on the world. Yeah!


Episode 392 – How To Improve Your Business Growth? – Hunt vs Gather

I was having a conversation with a friend and client where we started to dig into his sales team and the different takes on the sales process in general… he defined them as “Hunters” and “Gatherers.”

Hunters tend to be young, ambitious and energetic. The love the thrill of finding and closing new business clients. They love the thrill of the hunt and can’t wait to close and move on to the next deal.

Gatherers tend to be older, more experienced and love the steadiness and predictability of maintaining a client base. They tend to focus on building and maintaining current client relationships.

These two have a lot of difference, but also have a lot in common

They Work On A Schedule
They Communicate Regularly
They Measure Results
In this episode, we will discuss how you and/or your sales organization can be best served by a blend or mix of both Hunting and Gathering. Remember… What gets measured, gets done!


Episode 391 – Making Magical Memes with Jeff Herring

Do you know how so many online entrepreneurs have great expertise inside them but they struggle with how to get it out into the marketplace for more prospects and profits?

Well what I do is help you easily unleash your content so you can quickly cash in on your content.


Episode 390 – I’ll Have What She’s Having… The Secret of Success

Have you ever seen the movie “When Harry Met Sally”? There is a famous Restaurant Scene where Harry and Sally are talking about relationships and Sally starts to act out a Fake Orgasm. A lady in the diner (Rob Reiner”s Mom in real life) says “I’ll have what she’s having”. That iconic scene shows how people act vicariously through other people’s actions or successes.

You can create a buzz about your product or service by getting people to order what others find success with…

Spotlighting Successes
Prophetizing Profits
Renting Resources – Build a Team 
In this episode, I will define 3 “Dont’s” and 3 “Do’s” to help you build the success of your products and services, but sharing success stories of your clients and users.


Episode 389 – The Art of Power and Process and Packages in Sales with Gabe Arnold

In business, sales cures all. If you want to start generating a steady flow of leads for your business.

Gabe Arnold creates affordable, long-term marketing and technology solutions for businesses of all sizes. He has over 15 years of experience in professional writing, web and computer technology, and marketing campaign creation and management. Gabe has worked with over 1,000 startups, as well as hundreds of established businesses over the past decade and has helped them achieve their goals. He is passionate about connecting businesses with the best possible solutions.

At age 16, Gabe created and sold his first website. Just 4 years later, he was running a multimillion-dollar service company that was completely fueled by his online marketing efforts. Gabe has worked in dozens of different industries to create profitable and stable long-term solutions.


Episode 388 – How To Effectively Deal With Difficult Clients?

Have you ever had a client or project that just did not go as planned? Business is filled with learning lessons and If it was easy, that client may not have chosen you! You possess a level of expertise, knowledge and an ability to solve client problems. Sometimes what starts out as an outstanding and amicable relationship can take a turn for the worse and head south!

Sometimes it can be your fault, while other times it is the clients, but it’s usually not that cut and dry. Often it’s a combination of all of the above. So what can you do to get the project back on track?


Episode 387 – How to eSCAPE from Employee to Entrepreneur with Anik Singal

Anik Singal is the Founder and CEO of Lurn, Inc. Having trained over 300,000 Entrepreneurs all over the World – Anik Singal is recognized as one of the World’s Top Entrepreneurship coaches. Anik Singal is on a mission to empower more than 1,000,000 Entrepreneurs through his new #LurnNation platform at www.Lurn.com.

BusinessWeek recognized him in the Top 3 of the Best U.S. Entrepreneurs Under 25. He’s an Inc500 CEO, listed 2-times among the Fastest Growing Companies in America. While in college at the University of Maryland, he was awarded Company of the Year from MTech and named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Hinman CEOs.

His digital publishing businesses generate over $20 Million/year in sales; and he has helped contribute to over $100 Million in online publishing sales (between his own products and his clients’ businesses).

Anik is also incredibly passionate about giving back. For nearly two decades, he has devoted his life to building schools around the world. He dreams of providing education to those who are not currently receiving that birth-right! As of today, Anik has been a key driver in helping build four schools in India. He plans to scale his mission globally, all through his non-profit organization, For All Our Good


Episode 386 – How To Become A True Entrepreneur And Owning It?

What is the difference between an Entrepreneur and a Wantrepreneur? Entrepreneurs own it!

What is “it”? It’s the difference between making a legacy and making a living.

People who work in corporations and in network marketing can have the entrepreneurial spirit, but they lack true ownership of their destiny and the business that you are building. Yes, stock options and downstreams have their value, but you don’t own it… it’s a rental game that you can’t totally control.

Entrepreneurs have multiple traits:

Create Business Opportunities
Measure Success In Growth
Self Motivated
In this episode, we will explore what separates an Entrepreneur and a Wantrepreneur. Now I understand that owning it is not for everybody, but if that sounds like you, then you want to listen to this episode!


Episode 385 – LinkedIn Secrets with Estie Rand

Estie Rand is not your average business coach. This mom of five guides business owners ranging from multi-millionaires to freelancers on how to earn more money with less headache. The founder and owner of Strand Consulting, an LA based boutique consultancy, this marketing maven has hacked the code to closing 5-figure deals using social media. Estie gives her clients – and everyone else listening – a piercing clarity on where they can put their best efforts in everything from marketing to staff management. She is also the host of the Business Breakthrough Podcast, where she humanizes business and helps businessify humans.


Episode 384 – How To Increase Profits With Sales & Marketing Alignment?

In small businesses, Sales & Marketing are often two hats worn by the same person. In larger companies, they are often two groups separated by cubicles, Ideology, and methodology. Yet, Sales & Marketing have the common goal of generating more revenue.

Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is used to create, keep and satisfy the customer.

Sales are activities related to selling or the number of goods or services sold in a given time period.

Digital marketing has changed the landscape and focus. Marketing often wants to use new methods to create client engagement, while the sales team often wants to rely on the tried and true methods that have worked for years.
