Episode 113 – Sales Letters & Sales Pages with Armand Morin

  Armand Morin is an Internet marketing industry expert who has built a multimillion-dollar international business. In 1996, he started with $1.83 in his pocket and no experience and has grown it into a multi-million dollar international business, which has done business in over 100 countries around the world. Over the past 18 years, he…


Episode 112 – Sales Letters & Sales Pages

I used to just write sales copy without much thought, but that was a bad wrong idea. I have since learn a bunch from coaches, masterminds, and focus groups. Sales copywriting is an art that has many components to it. It starts with agitating the desire or pain of the viewed. Do they have that pain…


Episode 111 – Using Private Label Rights Content with Ronnie Nijmeh

Ronnie dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Over the past 14 years, Ronnie Nijmeh has…


Episode 110 – What The HECK Is PLR?

I get it… we are not all writers or content creators. But what can you do when you don’t have the skill, the calling or the time? PLR (or Private Label Rights) content is an option. Think of it as stock art for content. The issue is you have to find the right PLR for…


Episode 109 – Marketing Your Book with Sandra Beckwith

Sandra dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Sandra Beckwith is a book marketing coach, author,…


Episode 108 – Creating Your Book Marketing Plan

I know that not everyone has a book to sell, but we all have a book within us. The average person who creates a self published book sells between 10 to 250 books. In order to generate sales, you have to generate a buzz first. That means long before you book goes on sale, you…


Episode 107 – Getting Butts In Seats and Maximizing Your Events with Daphne Bousquet

Daphne dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Daphne Bousquet works with speakers, coaches, and…


Episode 106 – Networking Beats Not Working

You have often heard that “Networking Beats Not Working”, and that is so true more than ever! I had a chance to visit a live TEDx conference and it was amazing. Live events help you to learn from not only the speakers, but from the attendees also. Networking is a tool in my arsenal that helps grow business.…


Episode 105 – Creating Customer Focused Content with Dan R. Morris

Dan dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Dan R Morris is the founder of Blogging…


Episode 104 – The Online Marketing Trifecta… Generate New Leads

The online marketing Trifecta is more than just a concept… is is a proven strategy that has increased my net profits over 150% this year and had grown businesses over 200% in a couple of years. It includes your website, using analytics and traffic data, and creating great content (blogs and podcasts) that drive traffic…
