Episode 92 – The Transformation Of Twitter

Twitter has ben experiencing a renaissance lately. With the emergence of Periscope & Blab, the new video platforms are bringing it to the forefront again. Twitter has maintained it’s 2nd most popular social media platform status, but it’s seeing a transformation from only 140 character communications, to a very dynamic multimedia platform. In this podcast, we will…


Episode 91 – Scheduling Software with Gavin Zuchlinski

Gavin dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Gavin Zuchlinski is the Founder of Acuity Scheduling with a…


Episode 90 – Scheduling Software – My Secret Weapon

People ask me all the time – how you do all that you do? I have a secret weapon – It’s scheduling software. I only learned about this a year ago and was using a platform called TimeTrade, but it had some serious limitations and flaws. The biggest was it would not send reminder emails…


Episode 89 – Blabbing About Blab! New Video Marketing Tools with Joel Comm

Joel dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Joel Comm is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, public…


Episode 88 – Blabbing About Blab! New Video Marketing Tools

Blab (blab.im) is a new video marketing tool that author & speaker Joel Comm calls the Google Hangout Killer. It allows 4 people to be on screen at the same time and offers the ability to Tweet (Twitter) and chat at the same time. It’s easy, and works on desktops (making it more accessible that…


Episode 87 – Up Periscope! New Video Marketing Tools with Shelley Hitz

Shelley dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Shelley Hitz has coached thousands of authors through…


Episode 86 – Up Periscope! New Video Marketing Tools

Change is constant, and so is the flood of new tools hitting the social media landscape. There are a handful of new personal video broadcasting platforms. These include Periscope, Meerkat, Blab, and Facebook Mentions. Periscope.tv is the focus of this podcast. It’s an app that works on Apple App and Google Play stores. Periscope allow your to…


Episode 85 – Using Interviews To Grow Your Business with Esther Kiss

Ester dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Esther Kiss is the producer and host of…


Episode 84 – Using Interviews To Grow Your Business

I have a secret weapon… Interviews. You can use them as an interviewer or an interviewee. It’s a platform to get the word out about you and your business. They can be written, podcasts, radio stations, or videos. Making the most of it means understanding what is expected.  As an interviewee, you have to match you…


Episode 83 – Mastering Google+ with Elaine Lindsay

Elaine dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] I am a Google+ Evangelist ♥, specializing in…
