Episode 152 – Want To Grow Your Sphere Of Influence? Engage Influencers!

How did I get a social reach of 1,281,813 messages? I did it by getting out and meeting people. Not to get them to promote me, but by helping to promote them first. In this episode, I talk about the 100/0 Principle by Al Ritter. It’s about giving first and expecting nothing in return. By getting out…

Episode 124 – What Does Golf Have To Do With A Marketing Strategy That Works?

I Love Golf! It’s a simple little game where you are trying to hit a little white ball, hundreds of yards away, into a little cup in the ground. Sounds simple right? Trust me it is not. The average golfer shoots 100 (on a par 72 course) meaning golfers make an average of 28 mistakes per…

Episode 98 – Systematizing Your Online Marketing

Being in business is hard, but managing the income peaks and valleys is harder. The best time to market is when you are the busiest, but very few people follow that advice. They say I don’t have the time, but often the lag time between marketing and new business creates those ebbs and flows in…

Episode 94 – Feed The Social Media Beast By Curating Content

Social Media is a Hangry Beast (hungry and angry). It loves to be fed a steady diet of content if it’s going to be your friend and work for you. There are two kinds of content – OPC (other people’s content), and your original content. OPC helps you build credibility by association. If you find great…

Episode 93 – Twitter with Keith Keller

Keith dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Keith Keller is now well known internationally as…

Episode 92 – The Transformation Of Twitter

Twitter has ben experiencing a renaissance lately. With the emergence of Periscope & Blab, the new video platforms are bringing it to the forefront again. Twitter has maintained it’s 2nd most popular social media platform status, but it’s seeing a transformation from only 140 character communications, to a very dynamic multimedia platform. In this podcast, we will…

Episode 88 – Blabbing About Blab! New Video Marketing Tools

Blab (blab.im) is a new video marketing tool that author & speaker Joel Comm calls the Google Hangout Killer. It allows 4 people to be on screen at the same time and offers the ability to Tweet (Twitter) and chat at the same time. It’s easy, and works on desktops (making it more accessible that…