Episode 310 – What Is More Important… A Personal Or Business Brand?

Branding, especially on Social Media, is getting tougher with time. Social Media platforms are recruiting people (individuals) and businesses alike. Promoting your business is falling prey to the pay to play model. Your business posts on Facebook from brand pages are not showing up in news feeds. Most other platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and others…

Episode 298 – 5 Quick Ways To Actively Increase Your Website Traffic

Did you know that the average small business website gets only 300 visitors per month? That’s an average of 10 visits per day! Traffic is the lifeblood of business, but more importantly.. the right traffic matters much more. In this episode, I want to explore 5 techniques that I and my clients have used to increase…

Episode 294 – Which Social Media Platforms Are Right For Your Business?

It’s been a while since I visited Social Media. That does not mean that I don’t teach it and use it every day! This week I am doing a three-hour boot camp on what I consider to be the best Social Media platforms for small to medium sized businesses. It’s hard to condense 3 hours into 10…

Episode 256 – 5 Ways How To NOT Get Customer Engagement On Social Media

  Remember Farmville on Facebook? How about all of those other social games that people would send you to engage with them. I really don’t know if I just blocked them all, or if people just got tired of my rejection, but I don’t see them anymore. Whatever happened to all those quizzes like “What animal…

Episode 236 – History And The Art Of Powerful Social Media For Your Business

In the social media classes and boot camps I teach… people are confused.  They don’t understand why everything they have been taught about getting fans to their business pages has not paid off in new clients and increased business. That is because social media has evolved since last week, and since what they have been…

Episode 229 – It Starts With Relationships with Warren Whitlock

Warren Whitlock is a digital business development strategist. In 2008, he wrote the first book about Twitter and Mobile Marketing, and the best-selling “Profitable Social Media: Business Results Without Playing Games.” He is the host of Social Media Radio and speaks frequently about social media marketing, online publicity and marketing, social networking and building lifetime…

Episode 213 – Getting Strategic With Your Social Media with Deb Krier

Deb Krier is a social media advisor, professional speaker, and trainer. With 20 years as a marketing and public relations professional, she’s passionate about helping professionals use social media to promote themselves and their businesses. She helps people learn how to use social networking in a way that expands their professional networks, creates new business, and…

Episode 198 – How-To Embrace Relationship Marketing To Expand Your Business

Relationship Marketing is defined on Wikipedia as “a form of marketing developed from direct response marketing campaigns which emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a focus on sales transactions.”. In my first book “It’s Not About You, It’s About Bacon! Relationship Marketing In A Social Media World!”, I talk about and define Know, Like, and Trust! Relationship Marketing…

Episode 164 – Using Social Media To Make Money?

I was recently hired to give two training sessions. Both requested a 3-hour session on “How To Make Money Using Social Media”. These presentations would have been very different a year or so ago because I have had an epiphany about what social media really is and how to use it in your business in ways…

Episode 154 – How-To Get People To Listen To Your Message (WIIFM) What’s In It For Me

Back in the day… we only had 4-5 TV stations and a few radio stations that had our favorite programs or music. Today, we have dozens (if not thousands of choices) to consume media and content! Now you can watch or listen on demand and even program your own radio stations or TV channels. With…