Episode 948 – I’ll Take My Bacon… Extra Crispy – A Prologue

It’s been 10 years since I wrote my first and still my favorite book. I was faced with the challenge of deciding if I wanted to write a new book or update the original. This is the beginning of that journey… What follows is the prologue form the new book Sections Include: So here we…

Episode 936 – Best Of – Leveraging Relationships And Reinvention with Michael O’Neal

I’m originally from Ohio, and lived there for 12 years. Grew up Catholic (I’m a recovering Catholic now) and played every sport known to man when I was a little kid. Became a Steelers fan back then. Steel Curtain and all that. Got in a lot of trouble in school too. (No surprise to those…

Episode 917 – What Does BACON Have To Do with POOP?

I was excited and honored to be the keynote speaker at a national conference where the words… CRAP, SH!T, and POOP are in every presenter’s speech and are spoken openly and frequently in almost every conversation had with attendees. It was the 2023 APAWS National Conference in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. APAWS is the Association of Professional Animal…

Episode 909 – Is Your Marketing an Investment or an Expense? Good Questions!

Speaking of communications, I’ve had a few Zoom meetings this week that stood out and I wanted to share. I understand that recapping Zoom meetings may not be the most exciting thing you read all week, but bear with me. There is a point I am trying to make (that I hope will pay off…

Episode 804 – Best Of – Reading Body Language & Facial Expressions In The Age Of Zoom & Masks with Blanca Cobb

Blanca Cobb is an internationally recognized body language expert who’s been featured on national television shows such as the Steve Harvey Show, TODAY Show, Megyn Kelly TODAY, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, CNN, Face the Truth, The Doctors to a name a few as well as publications around the world such as Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly, Elite…

Episode 769 – No One Can Serve Two Masters… But You Can Serve Two Clients At The Same Time!

Last week I had the pleasure and honor of being a paid speaker at a live conference. It was the first one I was able to do in the last 3 years. When you are presenting to an audience (as a paid speaker) you have two people that you have to serve. The conference organizer…

Episode 657 – Reading Body Language & Facial Expressions In The Age Of Zoom & Masks with Blanca Cobb

Blanca Cobb is an internationally recognized body language expert who’s been featured on national television shows such as the Steve Harvey Show, TODAY Show, Megyn Kelly TODAY, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, CNN, Face the Truth, The Doctors to a name a few as well as publications around the world such as Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly, Elite…

Episode 645 – The Quick Business To Public Speaking Method with Connie Regan Green and Ellen Finkelstein

Connie Regan Green Connie Ragen Green is a former classroom teacher and real estate appraiser who left it all behind to come online in 2006. As an author of more than twenty books, publisher, international speaker, and entrepreneur she serves others by helping new entrepreneurs to build their own lucrative online businesses. Connie is also…

Episode 589 – The Magic Of Relationships and Follow-Up with Joe M. Turner

“Chief Impossibility Officer” Joe M. Turner is the founder and principal speaker and performer at Turner Magic & Keynotes, providing world-class corporate entertainment and insightful keynotes for clients across the United States and worldwide. A summa cum laude graduate of Mississippi State University, Joe’s corporate experience is primarily in the area of change management and…

Episode 587 – What You Can Do To Reboot Your Speaking Career with Kerry Heaps

An Entrepreneur of 15 years, Kerry is the Publisher of Pageant Platform Magazine and the Host of Pageant Platform Podcast. Kerry is a sought-after Speaker on topics such as Leveraging your Publicity to Close More Deals, Bodies Don’t Lie-Body Language Basics, The Significance of Color in Wardrobe and the Psychology Behind It, The Network Game…