Episode 483 – The Seven Deadly Sins Or Viral Virtues with Mark S. A. Smith

Why do this? Run a Sustainable, scalable, profitable, and salable business.

Pope Gregory listed the seven deadly sins in 590 AD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_virtues
For every sin there is an associated virtue.
The virtues protect one against temptation.

Sin = (Greek and Latin) failure, error, to miss the mark
Virtue = (Latin) Valor, Being your very best

Episode 482 – The Seven Deadly Sins Or Viral Virtues of Marketing

Have you noticed that social media is becoming more and more divisive lately? Something as simple and fictional as a mermaid is causing people lose their minds, get in fights, and spew hate, vitriol, and disdain.

I have been trying to be more positive on social media, posting fun stuff, positive quotes, and real life stories of overcoming life’s obstacles. The amount of engagement has been outstanding and encouraging, and people love to share and be engaged and conversational around positive topics.

In this podcast I am going to lay out the Seven Deadly Sins of social media posting, and what I consider to be the antithesis to each

Episode 480 – Are You Building A Cult Or Culture On Social Media?

I have found that working for a company forces you to conform to the corporate culture… So does that make it a cult or a culture? Not all cults are bad, nor all cultures good.

People join cults not because people are crazy, but because they have two kinds of wishes.  They want a meaningful life, or they want to be taken care of. A social culture is an organized way of life which is based on a common tradition and conditioned by a common environment.

There are some key difference though?

Episode 470 – How To Make Your Content Marketing Messages More Memorable!?

In the last episode, I interviewed Jane Atkinson about public speaking as a tool for your business. In that Interview she mention that she like to create keynote speeches that start with a story, make three memorable points, and then close with another story. I Thought that was The Perfect Content Strategy, so I wanted to explore that concept a bit further. 

I suggest you keep your posts short and to the points (3-5 to be exact). You should also use some memorable hooks that are esy to remember and repeat. Kind of like the ear worm a good song hook or chorus has!

Here are some techniques I have used and the may help you…

Episode 442 – What To Do When People Attack You Online?

Have you ever posted anything on social media and regretted it later? I am sure most of you have. This weekend I did!

Normally when people start to argue and get mean and start attacking me or my friends, I will simply take it down. But this time was different… I was sharing my emotions to a tragedy that hit too close to home and I stood my ground. AND I learned a lot that I want to share it with you.

Episode 423 – Better Relationship Emotional Intelligence Using Crystal with Drew D’Agostino

Founder of Crystal for the past 4 years, a personality platform that offers free assessments and industry-leading psychometric predictions.

Focused on helping people communicate effectively, resolve conflict, manage stress, influence others, and make better decisions in their professional lives. 

Always looking for software engineers and talented people-people to join the Crystal team. Email me if you’re interested: drew@crystalknows.com

Started multiple businesses before then, including an event software company (Attend.com), a pizza box advertising agency, and a bed bug extermination company. Private pilot, songwriter, runner, and local diner aficionado.

Episode 413 – Why You May Be Leaving 74% Of Your Sales On The Table – with Arthur Carmazzi

Arthur is ranked as one of the world’s Top 10 most influential thought leaders in leadership and organizational culture by Global Gurus. As a bestselling author and founder of the Directive Communication Psychology, Arthur’s brain clarity research and gamification methodologies have influenced the training and leadership development industry through his unique neuroscience and game-based psychological approaches to leadership and corporate culture transformation. 

His innovative tools, assessments, and games, have a visible ROI on marketing conversion, engagement, productivity, and effective behavior modification. His research on the genetic foundations of the brain’s Ambiguity Relief clarity getting processes has been the inspiration of the Colored Brain model used across multinationals in 52 countries. DCI has over 400 licensed Directive Communication (DC) Psychology leadership and culture trainers in 18 different countries who are delivering Value to clients globally.

Episode 403 – Who Is Gen Z and How Do They Spend $600 Billion a Year with Kathleen Hessert and Krista Jasso

When the marketplace was still fixated on the peculiarities of Millennials, Kathleen migrated to what’s NEXT- Generation Z. Used to working with young athletes, she turned to teens to build WeRGenZ from the grassroots up. Today she helps brands understand the future through today’s youth and amplifying voices of the generation. She’s a much sought-after public speaker, and consultant wowing audiences with insights derived from her original research and thousands of members of the WeRGenZ Teen Think Tank.

Episode 381 – Who Is The Villain And Hero In Your Marketing Copy with Nathan Fraser

Nathan is the co-host of the copywriters podcast with David Garfinkel. He’s a professional copywriter and marketing consultant. He’s also a functioning facebook addict.

Because of his non-traditional views and background, he’s become known as the High Priest of Propaganda.

You can find out more about him at copyandfunnels.com
Because of his non-traditional views and background, he’s become known as the High Priest of Propaganda.

You can find out more about him at copyandfunnels.com

Episode 355 – The Psychology Of Social Media with Brian Kinghorn – Part 2

Brian E. Kinghorn, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundations at Marshall University. He earned his doctorate in educational psychology and educational technology at Michigan State University. Dr. Kinghorn teaches courses in Educational Psychology, Human Development, Elementary Science, and the Psychology of Social Media. His writing and research interests include learning from teaching, social media in education, and the psychology of social media. He also presents inquiry-based science assemblies at elementary schools with Junior Science World, a company he founded in 2009. He and his wife Leah are the parents of 8 children.