Episode 853 – What’s Your Marketing Mousetrap? – Part 1

In our last house, we had a small problem. Mice! If you think about it, your business is like my garage. Specifically your website. It has food for thought and attracts creatures who sneak in and out. You may be able to see them scurry, but it’s hard to trap them (and you certainly don’t…

Episode 848 – Drive Growth Through The Customer Experience with Chip Royce

  Chip’s first experience with the tech sector started in 1994 after downloading the first Netscape browser (now Firefox) and led him to join his first startup a year later. He’s worked for and advised high-growth ventures and Fortune 500 companies in online media, internet infrastructure, PCs (Dell & Lenovo), and most recently, Fintech &…

Episode 845 – Are You Whiffing the WIIFM?

When I say “Whiff” what do you think of? Are you imagining a baseball, moving at 100 mph, dropping out of the strike zone as the batter takes a swing at strike three? Or are you thinking of waking up, and catching the smell of BACON wafting throughout your living space? Have you heard the…

Episode 844 – Reinventing Sales Teams with Rent-A-Rep with Bill Guertin

Bill Guertin (pronounced like “13”) is a positive voice for change and is the leader of the “7 Voices” Movement, whose purpose is to hear, recognize, and minimize the effects of the negative Voices inside people’s heads and to implement simple strategies to make positivity a life-choice every day. As a sales trainer, he’s worked…

Episode 843 – Marketing – Strategy vs. Plan

Having worked with many non-profits in the past, the biggest hurdle they have to overcome is resources. If they want in for free, someone has to dedicate or donate the time. Otherwise, they have to find someone they can afford and pay for that to be implemented. That is what I call the Strategy vs.…

Episode 842 – Best Of – The Emergence Of Tribalism In Social Media with Brian Kinghorn

Brian E. Kinghorn, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundations at Marshall University. He earned his doctorate in educational psychology and educational technology at Michigan State University. Dr. Kinghorn teaches courses in Educational Psychology, Human Development, Elementary Science, and the Psychology of Social Media. His writing and research interests include learning from…

Episode 840 – Will AI (Artificial Intelligence) Really Change The World Of Marketing? with Pam Didner

Pam Didner is a marketing consultant, writer, speaker, podcaster, and author of 3 books: , Effective Sales Enablement, and the Modern AI Marketer.  She has given future trends, content marketing and sales enablement presentations and workshops in the US, Europe, South America and Asia. Her forte is to create successful global marketing plans that meet…

Episode 838 – Work Is Not Where You Work? It’s What You Do! with Stan Phelps

Stan is a Forbes Contributor, TEDx Speaker, IBM Futurist, Certified Speaking Professional, and best-selling author of the Goldfish Series. He is an Instructor for the ANA School of Marketing and Rutgers Business School. A show-and-tell speaker, Stan empowers audiences to take action that delivers bottom-line impact. He strives to change the paradigm of marketing by…

Episode 837 – 4 Signs Your Marketing Strategy is Not For B2b Sales

Tis The Season… The end of the year is always interesting. It’s a time to reflect on the past, while we look toward the future, and many of us are giving and getting presents!  having moved to a new city, many of our presents are coming and going via Secret Santa Trucks (White = FedEx,…

Episode 836 – How To Maximize Your Networking In 2023 with Mike Verret

Mike has more than 20 years of experience in advertising and marketing, and his ability to understand and connect with an audience is the hallmark of his career. The approach he shares is what taught him how to understand an audience and deliver his message in a way they will not forget. Mike spent 13…