Episode 135 – Using Webinars In Business with Michael Bloom

Michael dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Michael is a life coach and business consultant…


Episode 134 – Creating Engagement With New Audio & Video Tools

The use of audio and video in content marketing is exploding. We have talked about Blab and Periscope before, but there are new things coming at us in a rapid fire pace. Facebook added Live for people with IOS devices. There is a new audio platform called Anchor which is a platform to start audio conversations. Google…


Episode 133 – The Art Of Marketing Your Book with D’vorah Lansky

D’vorah dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] D’vorah Lansky, M.Ed.,has been marketing online and…


Episode 132 – Creating Content With A Purpose

We all generate content in business. It could be as simple as an email or text and can be as complex as a complete training course. The development of the Bacon System is just that. It starts with the training modules, and then leads to videos, audios, slides (that are shared on SlideShare), blogs, and…


Episode 131 – The New Game Of Selling with Mitch Axelrod

Mitch dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Mitch is the creator of The NEW Game™,…


Episode 130 – The Art of Sales Without Selling

Let’s face it… we all hate being sold. Yet we love buying things. When we are in control, we feel good about transactions. Well you have to put that shoe on the other person you may be selling your products and services to. That is one of the things that holds us back from selling…


Episode 129 – Building Your Perfect Brand with Jena Rodriguez

Jena dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Jena Rodriguez, 6 & 7 Figure Brand Strategist…


Episode 128 – Buliding Your Perfect Brand

How often should you update your brand? Well that depends on how much your business and customer base has changed. Most people think that a brand is just a logo, colors, and fonts, but it’s so much more than that. In this episode, I will talk through how my degree in electronics engineering, has helped…


Episode 127 – Monetizing Your Content Creation with Ricky Shetty

Ricky dropped additional nuggets of sales and marketing goodness in the EXTENDED Interview. Be sure to click here to access all of our great extended interviews, transcripts and more within our Insider’s Club. You can try it for the entire month for only $1.00! [button link=”https://baconpodcast.com/dollar-special/”]READ MORE >[/button] Through blogging… this guy gets thousands of dollars…


Episode 126 – Monetizing Content Creation

You are in business to make money right? So why not create content to share on the internet that can make you money as well? It starts with understanding the end game… do you want to create a book, and ebook, a course? Why not use the material you are creating to make more money from…
