Episode 363 – What YOU Need To Know About GDPR with Lawyer Bobby Klinck

Bobby Klinck is an intellectual property attorney, but he’s not your typical lawyer. Sure, he went to Harvard Law School and worked at some of the most prestigious firms in the country, but if you look at the big whiteboard in his office, you won’t see much about the law. His whiteboard is filled with tasks related to platform building, inbound marketing, and sales-funnels. Bobby is a full-fledged online entrepreneur, whose area of expertise is the law. He helps other online entrepreneurs safeguard their online businesses.

He formed his company Your Online Genius to give online entrepreneurs the resources they need to protect their businesses without having to spend thousands on a lawyer.


Episode 362 – How To Use Email Marketing? The Money Is In The List!

There has been a lot of talk about online marketing and privacy and data collection lately. GDPR is a new regulation, primarily that affects contact you may have in the European Union (EU), but will affect anyone who has a mailing list or website

More about that in the next Episode 363 with Bobby Klink.

Email marketing is one of the cornerstones of business that I teach ALL my clients. The Money is in the list.

There are some things you should think about in the process:


Episode 361 – A Deep Dive About SEO For Small Business with Ryan Stewart

Ryan Stewart is a marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in the field. He has worked directly with clients like Target, Best Buy, and Deloitte but also built, scaled and sold a number of online businesses. Recently, his agency WEBRIS was acquired by Phill based agency From The Future (FTF). He currently serves as a partner at FTF while also working on his own training and software products.


Episode 360 – What Do You Stand For And Who Will Sit For You?

Whether you are speaking from a stage or on Social Media, you are standing on a platform. Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. It’s an anxiety caused by the feeling of not being good enough, but that fear could also relate to (and often does) creating content. Your job is to create a unique view that people can relate to and take action upon. 

Your platform is also whatever media or medium you choose.
Social Media – Multiple platforms

In this episode, we will explore what you need to think about when you are trying to create influence with an audience, whether you are standing on stage or typing on a keyboard!


Episode 359 – Adding Some Sizzle To Your Sales with The Pitch Queen Michelle Weinstein

Michelle Weinstein is a Sales Strategist, Entrepreneur, and Innovator. She has over 20 years of sales experience, selling everything from multi-million dollar homes to Paleo meatballs. Her achievements include raising over $1M dollars for her last company, landing contracts with major retailers such as Costco and The Vitamin Shoppe, and pitching her way onto ABC’s Shark Tank.

She is now the founder of The Pitch Queen, where she helps small business owners and entrepreneurs learn to LOVE selling, make a bigger impact in the world, and skyrocket their top-line revenue.


Episode 358 – This Is Why Digging A Well Will Make You More Money Than Buying A Faucet?

What is the difference between getting water from a faucet or a well?

A faucet is easier, but you have to pay for what is being delivered. Also, you don’t own it. If you forget to pay your bill or if they feel you are not worthy, they can turn the water off at any time. You may own the faucet, but you don’t control the water.

A well is something that takes more effort to build, but you own the land, the well, and the water. When it’s done right, it will continue to provide a resource for years without constantly having to pay for it.

When it comes to your marketing, you can either pay for traffic and visitors to your website… or earn it.

In this episode, we will discuss how you make more money in the long run by creating marketing assets versus paying for advertising.


Episode 357 – Search Engine Optimization For Small Business with Claudia Pennington

Claudia helps small business owners, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits grow by leveraging marketing.

With more than a decade’s worth of experience in online marketing, I have become an expert in search engine optimization, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager.

Basically, she uses all the tactics known to drive more traffic to your website in order to increase leads and sales


Episode 356 – Accountability… Your Success Hangs In The Balance!

There is a secret sauce that separates successful people in business from the just getting by crowd. It’s accountability. It’s defined as “The quality or state of being accountable. Especially as an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.”

There are three things that help in this:

Being Organized
Tasks Prioritized
Accountability person or groups
Sometimes, you have to pay for accountability, but sometimes you can achieve it for free. It does require the process of having a person or partner keeping you accountable. This could include:

A Coach
A Mastermind
An Accountability Partner
In this episode, we will discuss how accountability plays into your business success!


Episode 355 – The Psychology Of Social Media with Brian Kinghorn – Part 2

Brian E. Kinghorn, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundations at Marshall University. He earned his doctorate in educational psychology and educational technology at Michigan State University. Dr. Kinghorn teaches courses in Educational Psychology, Human Development, Elementary Science, and the Psychology of Social Media. His writing and research interests include learning from teaching, social media in education, and the psychology of social media. He also presents inquiry-based science assemblies at elementary schools with Junior Science World, a company he founded in 2009. He and his wife Leah are the parents of 8 children.


Episode 354 – The Lost Art Of Integrity… Is Character More Important Today?

I was having a coffee with my mentor Al, when this question came up. “Is integrity dead? Is character more important today than ever before?” In this world of social media, fake news, a

nd sales pitches coming harder and faster than ever before in history… the answer is “Yes… But!”

I have been on a track of ‘Thought Leadership’ and using tools to get your messages found and acted upon. What happens when your messages and your deliverables are not aligned?

That’s what integrity is. You are who you are in your car… or online!

When you sell products or services online, you and your clients have to answer 3 basic questions:

Can They Afford It?
Do They Want To Change?
Can They Be Held Accountable?
In this episode, we will explore this and so much more and what it has to do with your messaging, sales and ultimately your social media integrity! 
